Saturday, May 2, 2009

Some Parenting Hand Me Downs...Busted!

Sure we learned a LOT from the people who raised us. We're just so fortunate that we have the more advanced studies now than what they had before. Here are some beliefs I heard from my folks when I was a kid:

1. SWEAT THE FEVER OUT. While sweating is our bodies way of releasing heat from fever, our body will do it on it's own especially if we already drank fever meds. So there's no need to be wrapped in blankies unless child is feeling cold. However, take care not to soak child in sweat inside those cloth layers or you might run the risk for pneumonia!

2. LET WOUNDS AIR DRY FOR FASTER HEALING. Dry wounds might look like it's healed, but only on the outside. And even though it's okay, it's not advisable if you want to grow a little miss Philippines out of your daughter.Recent studies prove that scar tissue is more likely to develop under the scab of dry wounds. So if it's a big wound, you might want to smother it with balm or ointment after cleansing and dress it with bandage to prevent scab from forming.

3. WE'LL TAKE CARE OF TEETH WHEN IT'S PERMANENT. Right? Wrong! It's crucial to keep milk teeth in place for as long as they need to because they'd serve as framework for when the permanent teeth comes out. This will prevent uneccessary (...and not to mention, expensive!) orthodontic procedures in the future. Always clean baby's teeth with a soft toothbrush or clean cloth with a pea-sized amount of age appropriate toothpaste at least twice a day.

4. LET BABIES BURN THEMSELVES OUT SO THEY'D SLEEP LONGER AND BETTER. Ha! I am also a victim of this one! It seemed to make so much sense because it applies to us adults right? However, I researched that regarding baby sleep, being well rested in the morning equates to quality sleep at night! Tired babies only get cranky and restless which makes it more difficult to calm them down. By the time they've slept because of fatigue, they're system have not adjusted to the calm state yet resulting to a shallow sleep experience. My daughter has 2 naps squeezed on her daily routine which may stretch from 1-3 hours and she sleeps a whole 10-12 hours at night!

5. TRIMMING THE ENDS OF BABY's EYELASHES WOULD RESULT TO LONGER THICKER LASHES. I don't have an accurate say about this because even though researchers scientifically reject the idea, I encounter more real-life testimonies to it's accuracy. I even did it on Ella and my brother did it on his daughter and they get compliments everywhere for their lashes ( obviously compared to mine!). I can't imagine not doing it just to find out if Ella had them naturally. But according to dermatologists, lashes grow based on one's genetic make-up. So if you cut it, it will just grow back to how long and thick it should've originally been. Well, come to think of it...I could use that study to defend the nature of my daughter's gorgeous eyelashes!

6. MANSANILLA A DAY KEEPS THE GAS PAINS AWAY. The only truth about this age-old remedy is that, like any other oil or liniment, the chamomile-citronella (more commonly known as mansanilla) oil's effect on gas pains is caused by it's ability to retain heat. Added by the nature of chamomile extract that calms the mind, this should still give relief to some extent. We have to be careful in applying them on sensitive skin though. Still, taking the effort to burp baby after meals really does the trick.

7. SEXY LADY WORE BIGKIS DURING INFANCY. Did this idea come from the same people who created the waist trimmer? Hehehe! Anyway, I'm sure we all can see why this is not true. Another myth about this is that it should also prevent gas pains. Our pedia actually rejected this idea because this might do more harm than good. If the cloth is too tight, it might impede baby's internal organs to function properly.

8. MOIST COTTON ON FOREHEAD STOPS THE HICCUPS. I wanted to give this the benefit of the doubt by thinking that it might be the sudden change baby feels when this is applied. But then again looking at how hiccups come about:

"Hiccups are bursts of inspiratory (breathing in) activity. The muscles we use when we take in a breath are the intercostal muscles situated between the ribs, and the diaphragm - a sheet of muscle below the lungs. "

...nah! I might give in to the "surprise myth" over this one.

How about you...have you ever found out something from your parents you didn't think was useful? Share them here!(note: this is a repost from my sunmom blog)

your every woman,


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