Update 08/06/2010: The 14 day period had passed but there still isn't any photo worthy difference on my figure, so I can't show off my shape yet. But there's already some personal satisfaction based on how my clothes fit better! I am going to continue the program until I get my desired shape...Plus exercise, which I haven't found time to do just yet!
I've gained too much weight and inches since my pregnancy with Ella and I've always blamed it on the CS delivery. Truth is, when I compare my photos from Ella's christening to my current photos, I realized that I'd have to put all the blame on me. So now that I've met a lot of women who went through pregnancy and CS delivery and still looked fabulous, I decided to challenge myself with Nestle Fitnesse' 14 day program!
The 14 day program suggests a low calorie, high fiber diet and replacing breakfast and one other meal with 30g of the cereal plus 125ml skim/low fat milk. Let's see how it works for me!
your every woman,
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